Monday, February 24, 2014

Sunday Dinners - Creamy Mushroom Onion Soup

Sunday night dinners have always been special to me ever since I was a little girl. When I lived with my grandparents we would usually go to my aunt and uncles house for Sunday dinner. After church we'd either take a bus or my Uncle Bruce would come and pick us up. I especially liked going there because my Aunt Jenny was a fabulous cook and it meant that I could play with my cousins Sandy, Harold, and Jennifer. 

Through the years I've continued on the Sunday dinner ritual with my own family. There are rules to be followed that include:
  1. Being present for dinner
  2. Be on time for dinner
  3. No hats are allowed at the dinner table 
  4. No arguing or fighting at the dinner table
  5. If you want friends to join us be sure to tell the cook
  6. Mom does not do dishes on Sunday evenings

Well that last rule doesn't really work all that well but I thought I'd add it in there anyways. 

For Sunday dinner last night I made a creamy mushroom onion soup to go along with a pork roast dinner. I only wish I'd have made a double batch of soup because it was gone so fast.
If you'd like the recipe, it can be found right here.
Creamy Mushroom Onion Soup

Do you sit down as a family for Sunday dinners?


  1. That's pup looks great!

    We always had Sunday dinner at my Grams house. Every week! I loved going to my grams...and my goodness she was a FINE cook! People don't do that anymore like they used to...shame!

    I like having a Sunday dinner for my family every week...I try to make something nice and everyone must come to the table!

    1. The boys freinds used to always say to me .... I wish we ate like this at my house :) Ya so it is sad that it's become a thing of the past. Dinnertime should be a time for families to gather and talk.

  2. A lovely post, Susan, and thank you too for sharing your recipe!


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